Wednesday 14 May 2014

Creating Illustrations from Photos

To go with the transformation theme and to "morph" the faces of us and the froes together, I have used the pictures we took a few days ago as reference pictures so the pictures fit together properly.
I started by tracing over the original image, and then adding the superhero motif to each of us. I have used a lot of black on the outlining as shading, because when I was looking at comic book heroes, a lot of black was used in the lines and shading of the characters.

I then added the base colours for the character. Again, from looking at comic, the colours used were bight, so I went with bright colours for the costumes and based the skin and hair colours of the photos given.

For the shading, I had one layer which I filled with black on the parts I wanted, and lowered the opacity so it would be a dark shade for all the colours, rather than just black.

Finally, I added white highlights to the pictures for the lighter shading.

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