Thursday 10 October 2013

iOS Guidelines

On Apple's website, there is a list of guidelines that designers should abide to when creating apps for iOS7. It includes things such as app anatomy, layout, navigation, colour and typography, etc.

"Almost all iOS apps use at least some of the UI components defined by the UIKit framework. Knowing the names, roles, and capabilities of these basic components helps you make informed decisions as you design the UI of your app."

image: ../Art/uikit_ui_elements_2x.png

"The UI elements provided by UIKit fall into four broad categories:
  • Bars. Bars contain contextual information that tell users where they are and controls that help users navigate or initiate actions.
  • Content views. Content views contain app-specific content and can enable behaviors such as scrolling, insertion, deletion, and rearrangement of items.
  • Controls. Controls perform actions or display information.
  • Temporary views. Temporary views appear briefly to give users important information or additional choices and functionality."

    Here is an example of the anatomy of an app:
    image: ../Art/windowlayers_world_clock_2x.png 
    image: ../Art/interact_with_content_r_2x.pngimage: ../Art/interact_with_content_nr_2x.png 
    The phone on the left has the recommended  navigation for an app, whilst the one on the right is not recommended. Apps shouldn't have cluttered navigation - it should be clear with only a few buttons for the user to click so it is not as confusing. Only put the buttons that are absolutely necessary.

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